
How Many Official Referees in Volleyball? The Unseen Heroes 

How Many Official Referees in Volleyball? The Unseen Heroes 

Volleyball – a sport synonymous with energy, teamwork, and precision. But have you ever paused to consider the role of referees in this dynamic game? Today, let’s embark on an enlightening journey to unravel the question: How many official referees are there in volleyball?

The Central Figures: Volleyball Referees

At the heart of a volleyball game’s fairness and flow lie the referees. Their presence is crucial, but how many are there exactly? Officially, a volleyball match is overseen by four referees: the first referee, the second referee, the scorer, and two line judges.

The First Referee: The Decision-Maker

Perched on the referee stand, the first referee holds the match’s reins. This individual, often seen as the final decision-maker, commands respect and authority. Their eagle-eyed vigilance spans across the entire court, especially focusing on actions at the net and ensuring that the ball is in play.

The Second Referee: The Support System

Positioned on the opposite side of the court, the second referee acts as the key support to the first referee. They monitor the actions and rotations of the players, keeping a close eye on the team captains and ensuring smooth substitutions.

The Scorer: The Record Keeper

The scorer, though not as visible as the other referees, plays a vital role. They maintain the score sheet, recording points, substitutions, and time-outs, providing a clear record of the game’s progress.

Line Judges: The Eyes on the Lines

Line judges are positioned at the corners of the court. They are responsible for observing and signaling any ball that lands near the boundaries, ensuring accuracy in whether a ball is in or out.

The Role Beyond the Count

Understanding the number of referees is just the tip of the iceberg. Their roles extend far beyond mere counting. Each referee contributes uniquely to the game, maintaining its integrity and spirit.

The Referee Stand: A Tower of Oversight

From the referee stand, the first referee not only oversees the game but also the conduct of players, coaches, and team captains. They are the guardians of the rules, ensuring that the spirit of the game is upheld.

On Either Side of the Net

Referees on either side of the net work in tandem. They ensure that the game flows smoothly, with minimal disruptions, and that the players adhere to the rules. This coordination is crucial for maintaining the game’s rhythm.

Bringing the Game to Life

The referees, with their vigilant eyes and keen understanding of the game, bring a unique dynamism to volleyball. Their decisions, often made in split seconds, can turn the tide of the match, making every moment count.

The Final Decision: A Weighty Responsibility

In volleyball, the final decision rests with the referees. Whether it’s a close call on a serve or a dispute over a point, the referees’ judgment is final, adding a layer of excitement and suspense to the game.

Engaging with Team Captains

Referees frequently interact with team captains, addressing concerns and clarifying rules. This interaction ensures that the game remains fair and enjoyable for both players and spectators.


In conclusion, volleyball is not just about the players; it’s a symphony where referees play a crucial role. Their presence, encompassing various responsibilities, adds depth and fairness to the game. So, the next time you watch a volleyball match, remember the intricate dance of the four referees who ensure that every serve, spike, and save is within the beautiful bounds of this sport.

Remember, volleyball is more than just a game; it’s a showcase of skill, strategy, and the silent yet significant role of the referees. Their contribution is what makes volleyball the thrilling and fair sport we all love.


How many official referees are in a standard volleyball match?

A standard volleyball match typically has four officials: first referee, second referee, scorer, and two line judges.

What is the main responsibility of the first referee in volleyball?

The first referee oversees the match, makes final decisions, and monitors net and ball actions.

Where does the second referee stand during a volleyball game?

The second referee stands opposite the first referee, monitoring player rotations and team conduct.

What do line judges do in volleyball?

Line judges in volleyball observe and signal balls in or out near boundary lines.

Is the scorer considered an official referee in volleyball?

Yes, the scorer is an official referee, responsible for maintaining the score sheet and records.

Nimra Abdullah
Nimra Abdullah
Nimra Abdullah here, your go-to expert and specialized blogger on all things volleyball. From the grandest stadiums and elite players to the most thrilling tournaments, I've got you covered with the latest and greatest in the world of volleyball.

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