
Glimpses From the Life of Tharindu Lakmal

Glimpses From the Life of Tharindu Lakmal

Tharindu Lakmal – a name that has become synonymous with sheer skill, dedication, and unparalleled passion in the world of volleyball. Hailing from a humble background, Lakmal’s journey to becoming a prominent figure in the sport is nothing short of inspiring. His story is a testament to the belief that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve greatness. Dive in, as we uncover the life and achievements of this incredible volleyball player, Tharindu Lakmal.

Life in the Early Years

Tharindu Lakmal was born in Sri Lanka on January 7, 1994. He began playing volleyball when he was young. People saw he was good at it early on. He got picked to play for Sri Lanka’s team when he was still young. Now, he’s one of the best outside hitters in Asia.

Highlights and achievements 

The great player Lakmal plays volleyball professionally. He is part of the Sri Lanka Men’s Volleyball Team and also plays for a club in Colombo. People know him for his strong hits, jumping high, and good defense in games. He is an important player for Sri Lanka.

Here are some big things he has done in his career:

Lakmal is a skilled volleyball player. He will be a big part of Sri Lanka’s team in the future.

Signature Moves and Playing Style

Lakmal is famous for how hard he can hit the ball, how high he can jump, and how good he is at stopping other teams from scoring. He plays for both the Sri Lanka Men’s Volleyball Team and a club in Colombo.

Here’s what makes Tharindu Lakmal’s playing special:

  • Hard Hits (Spike): He can hit the ball very hard and in a way that’s tough for others to stop.
  • Jumping High: Lakmal can jump really high. This means he can reach balls that many other players can’t.
  • Defensive Play: He’s also really good at defense. He can guess where the ball will go and stop it. Plus, he’s good at passing and setting up the ball.

What he’s most famous for is his hard hits or spikes. He can jump and hit the ball in a way that’s really hard for the other team to handle. He can also jump higher than many other players.

Impact on Sri Lankan volleyball

Tharindu Lakmal is a big name in Sri Lankan volleyball. He’s one of the top players in Asia and is very important to the Sri Lanka Men’s Volleyball Team. Because of him, the team has won medals in big tournaments.

Many young people in Sri Lanka look up to Lakmal. He works hard, is always positive, and never gives up. He shows them how to be good at volleyball and at life.

Here’s how Tharindu Lakmal has helped volleyball in Sri Lanka:

  • Team Wins: With his help, the national team has won important matches and got medals.
  • Role Model: Young players want to be like him because of his hard work and good attitude.
  • Making Volleyball Popular: Because of him, more people in Sri Lanka are noticing and loving volleyball.
  • Inspiring Others: He shows other players that with effort, they can be great too.

Everyone believes that Lakmal will keep doing great things for Sri Lankan volleyball in the future. He’s very important to the sport in Sri Lanka.

Triumphs and challenges


  • Won a silver medal at the 2019 South Asian Games.
  • Got a bronze medal at the 2022 Asian Volleyball Championship.
  • Named the best player by the Sri Lanka Volleyball Federation in 2022.
  • Chosen as the Best Outside Hitter by the Asian Volleyball Federation in 2023.


  • Training Places: Sri Lanka doesn’t have as many good places for volleyball training as some other countries.
  • Competition from Cricket: In Sri Lanka, cricket is very famous. So, sometimes it’s hard for volleyball to get noticed and get support.
  • Injuries: Lakmal got hurt a few times while playing. This stopped him from playing for a bit, but he always came back even better.

Barriers Faced by Tharindu Lakma

Tharindu Lakmal has had to overcome many problems to be good at volleyball. Some of these problems are:

  • Not Enough Training Places: Sri Lanka doesn’t have as many good places to practice volleyball as some countries.
  • Competition from Cricket: More people in Sri Lanka love cricket than volleyball. This makes it hard for volleyball players to get noticed.
  • Getting Hurt: Lakmal got hurt a few times while playing.


In 2021, Lakmal hurt his knee badly. He needed surgery and had to stop playing for a while to get better. But in 2022, he came back even stronger. He helped Sri Lanka win a bronze medal and got a special award in 2023.

Even with these problems, Lakmal has become one of the best players in Asia. Young players in Sri Lanka look up to him. He shows them that you can achieve your dreams, even when things are tough.

In short, Lakmal teaches others that you can face big problems and still reach your goals.

Landmark Wins for Sri Lanka

 Tharindu Lakmal has helped Sri Lankan volleyball achieve some big wins. Here are some examples:

  • In 2019, with Lakmal’s help, Sri Lanka won a silver medal at the South Asian Games. It was their first in over 20 years.
  • In 2022, Lakmal helped the team get a bronze medal at the Asian Volleyball Championship.
  • In 2023, Sri Lanka beat India in volleyball, thanks to Lakmal. This was their first win against India in more than 10 years.

These victories are very important for Sri Lanka. They show that the country’s volleyball team is improving and can play well against top teams in Asia.

Tharindu Lakmal’s journey in volleyball is a shining example for many. From big wins to challenging moments, he has shown what dedication and hard work can achieve. As he continues to play, Sri Lanka looks forward to even more victories. His story is not just about sports; it’s about believing in oneself and pushing limits. Lakmal is truly an inspiration for all, and his legacy in Sri Lankan volleyball will be remembered for years to come.


Who is Tharindu Lakmal?

He’s a professional volleyball player from Sri Lanka.

What teams does he play for?

He plays for the Sri Lanka Men’s National Volleyball Team and the Colombo Volleyball Club.

What are some of his big achievements?

He’s won medals at the South Asian Games and Asian Volleyball Championship, and got special awards for his playing skills.

Why is he important for Sri Lankan volleyball?

He’s helped the team win big games and is an inspiration for young players in Sri Lanka.

Has he faced any challenges in his career?

Yes, he’s had to deal with injuries, limited training resources, and competition from other popular sports in Sri Lanka.

Nimra Abdullah
Nimra Abdullah
Nimra Abdullah here, your go-to expert and specialized blogger on all things volleyball. From the grandest stadiums and elite players to the most thrilling tournaments, I've got you covered with the latest and greatest in the world of volleyball.

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