
How Does Volleyball Scoring Work? In-Depth Guide

How Does Volleyball Scoring Work? In-Depth Guide

Volleyball, a game filled with energy, teamwork, and high-flying action, has a scoring system that’s both straightforward and intricate. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, understanding how scoring works in volleyball can significantly enhance your appreciation of the game. So, let’s dive into the thrilling world of volleyball scoring!

The Basics of Volleyball Scoring

Illustrated diagram of a volleyball court with labeled positions, including setter, libero, and spiker, and court markings for service and attack lines. The net is depicted in the center, providing a comprehensive visual guide to the court layout and player roles.

At its core, volleyball scoring revolves around winning points, sets, and ultimately the match. A typical volleyball game is played in sets, and the team that wins the set is the one that first reaches 25 points with at least a 2-point lead. If the set ties at 24-24, play continues until a team achieves this 2-point lead.

Rally Scoring: A Game Changer

In modern volleyball, rally scoring is used. This means a point is scored on every serve, regardless of which team served the ball. This system has made games more dynamic and unpredictable, as every rally regardless of which team served can lead to a score.

Dynamic scene from a volleyball match capturing a team scoring a point under the rally scoring system. The image shows players in mid-action, with one team jubilantly celebrating a scored point while the opposing team gears up to receive the next serve. In the background, a scoreboard displays the game's progression, illustrating the impact of the rally scoring system.

The Deciding Set

If the match extends to a deciding set, this set is typically played to 15 points rather than 25. However, the same 2-point lead rule applies. This shorter set heightens the intensity and puts additional pressure on the teams to perform.

How Points are Scored

Scoring in volleyball is pretty straightforward. A point is awarded to a team when the opposing team fails to return the ball according to the rules. Here are some common ways points are scored:

  1. Grounding the Ball over the Net: If a team sends the ball over the net and it touches the ground on the opponent’s side, a point is scored.
  2. Touches the Net: If the opposing team touches the net during a play, it results in a point for your team.
  3. Serving Team Errors: If the serving team makes a mistake, like stepping over the line, the receiving team gets a point.
  4. Receiving Team Fails to Return: If the receiving team can’t return the ball properly, the serving team scores.

The Importance of the Serve

Intense close-up of a volleyball player in the midst of a powerful serve, showcasing the motion and energy of the action. The player is captured with a focused expression and dynamic posture, emphasizing the critical role of serving in volleyball. In the blurred background, the opposing team is depicted, poised and ready to receive the serve, adding to the tension and excitement of the moment.

The serve in volleyball is critical. The player who serves the ball starts the play and can significantly influence the game’s momentum. A well-executed serve can be tough to defend, often leading to a point.

The Three-Touch Rule

Remember, a team can only touch the ball three times before sending it back over the net. This rule adds a layer of strategy and skill to the game, as teams must work together efficiently.

Advanced Scoring Strategies

Volleyball isn’t just about scoring points; it’s about doing it smartly. Here are a few strategies teams use:

  • Targeting Weak Spots: Teams often aim for the weaker players on the opposing side or exploit gaps in the formation.
  • Psychological Warfare: Volleyball is as much a mental game as a physical one. Teams try to break the concentration of their opponents through aggressive play.


Volleyball is a sport where every serve, hit, and strategy plays a critical role in the scoring system. Understanding these nuances adds depth to the viewing experience and can be invaluable for players. So, whether you’re watching a game or participating in one, remember, every touch counts in the exhilarating game of volleyball!


Can both teams score points regardless of who serves?

Yes, in rally scoring, both teams can score, team can score a point whether they served or not.

What happens when a team has scored 25 points but doesn’t have a 2-point lead?

The set continues until one team has a 2-point advantage.

How does the scoring system in volleyball work when a team touches the net?

If a player touches the net, the opposing team is awarded a point in the scoring system.

What happens in volleyball scoring when the game reaches 25 points but without a clear winner?

The set continues until a team leads by 2 points, even if it exceeds 25 points.

In volleyball, how does the rally scoring method affect the way a team can score points?

In rally scoring, a point can be scored on every serve, regardless of the serving team.

Nimra Abdullah
Nimra Abdullah
Nimra Abdullah here, your go-to expert and specialized blogger on all things volleyball. From the grandest stadiums and elite players to the most thrilling tournaments, I've got you covered with the latest and greatest in the world of volleyball.

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